On Learning Differences - Information on Learning Differences Online




Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 2002 - Postsecondary Decision-Making for Adults with Learning Disabilities by Dr. Susan A. Vogel, Characteristics of the Gifted Post-Secondary Student with Dyslexia and/or ADHD by Barbara P. Guyer, and more.

Vol.2, No. 1, Winter 2003 - Facing Learning Disabilities in the Adult Years by Dr. Joan Shapiro and Dr. Rebecca Rich, Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning Differences by Dr. Ruth Feigenbaum, Use Of Color In Handwriting and Notetaking for a Student With a Learning Difference by Hilda Coyne, and more.

Vol.2, No. 2, Spring 2003 - Auditory Processing: Potential Effect on Learning by Dr. Stephen Seipp, On the Path to Remediation by Lisa B. Lee Sang, A Technology Breakthrough for Educators and Students by Rehan Ahmad, and Overcoming Fear and Shame: It is Never Too Late to Learn by Maryanne Johnson, and more.

Vol.2, No. 3, Fall 2003 - Effective Reading Instruction by Arlene W. Sonday, Milestones and Breaktthroughs with text and schematics by Hilda Coyne, Types of Color Blindness: How They Affect Teaching and Learning by Lyndsey Gue, Improving Career Opportunities Despite a Learning Difference by "Janet Renaldo", and more.

Vol.3, No.1 Spring/Summer 2004 - Dyslexia: New Definitions, A New Overview and Treatments by Hilda Coyne, Reading and English Language Instruction for Students With or Without Learning Disabilities by Marcia Henry, Facilitating the Adjustment to College by Christopher Kolb, and more.

Vol.4, No. 1, Fall/Winter 2005 - Dyslexia and Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities - Diagnostic Differences and Prescriptive Similarities by Jean Foss, Linguistic Disparities Attributed to the Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation, Perspectives of Students Writing a College Level Essay by Kristin Hunt and Andrea Woodford, A Consideration of Natural Intelligence, and more.

Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring/Summer 2005- Preparing Students with Learning Differences for College English by Dr. David Petri and Sue Little, Learning Differences and Self-Esteem Issues by David Forrester, Comprehensive Planning for Transition to College and to Employment, and Requisite Life Skills by Molly Lyle Brown The New SAT: Challenges and Strategies for Students with Learning Differences by Nadja Vielot, and more.

Vol.5, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2006 - The Effect of Music on Learning and Healing by Hilda Coyne, Dr. John Taylor has written the definitive article in the Encyclopedia Americana on attention deficit disorders, Michele Hunt has facilitated workshops nationally on time management for professionals and for the students they teach, a tribute to a pioneer in dyslexia practice, Roger Saunders.