On Learning Differences

Vol. 1, No. 1 - Information on Learning Differences Online Fall 2002


Welcome to Visions on Learning Differences

Postsecondary Decision-Making for Adults with Learning Disabilities

Characteristics of the Gifted Post-Secondary Student with Dyslexia and/or ADHD

From Struggle to Success in College

Congratulations to the CRLA and IDA Presidents-Elect

In Memorium

Conference Information

Legislative Concerns


About the Editor

Sharing Ideas

Permission to Copy from Visions on Learning Differences

Dedication-Musical Tribute to America and World Peace

A Blessed Holiday Season to All

Please see other issues


His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, requested, "Become craftsmen of a new humanity, where brothers and sisters -- members all of the same family -- are able to live in peace." His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, stated, "If you want peace, work for justice."

America, Peace and Justice

Let the flag of America

Stand for peace around the world

Let the flag of America

Stand for justice when it's unfurled.

And let the family of man create

A new humanity,

So nations in brotherhood

Can provide for all equally.

Dedicated to the innocents who perished in the United States on September 11, 2001, the innocents who perished globally in needless warfare since, the peacemakers of the world, and to the establishment of peace and justice worldwide.

Music and Lyrics by Hilda Coyne 2002 © All Rights Reserved