On Learning Differences

Vol. 1, No. 1 - Information on Learning Differences Online Fall 2002


Welcome to Visions on Learning Differences

Postsecondary Decision-Making for Adults with Learning Disabilities

Characteristics of the Gifted Post-Secondary Student with Dyslexia and/or ADHD

From Struggle to Success in College

Congratulations to the CRLA and IDA Presidents-Elect

In Memorium

Conference Information

Legislative Concerns


About the Editor

Sharing Ideas

Permission to Copy from Visions on Learning Differences

Dedication-Musical Tribute to America and World Peace

A Blessed Holiday Season to All

Please see other issues



The diminishing or extinguishing of opportunities for remediation on the college level is a serious and growing challenge for some students and for those who might address their needs. The Bush administration spoke out against the rise in remediation on August 29, 2002. Colleagues nationwide who serve the needs of special education and developmental students, though, have long noted that one-third of entering college freshmen require at least one course in remediation.

Many states are following the presidential lead. According to Time Magazine, October 14, 2002 eight states now forbid remedial students to attend four-year state colleges and universities. The number of states with such policies appears to be increasing. Additionally, since only approximately one-fourth of two-year college students in remediation advance to the four-year college, the majority may never achieve a college education. The article cites Melodye Wiens, president of the National Association for Developmental Education, as stating that "Some of our most at-risk students will have a longer pipeline to get to the four-year institutions, and, unfortunately, not as many will make it."

Although some states consider requiring students to pay additional fees for remedial classes, other states are beginning to contemplate the abolishment of remedial classes at the two-year colleges as well. There are those who believe that students should have mastered basic English and math classes before college, yet this penalizes students pushed through schools offering them inadequate or no services that might address their basic educational needs. Then, some officials classify both special education and English-as-a-second-language classes as part of the category of remediation.

Earlier, per the Associated Press, the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University found that African-American children are three times as likely as whites to receive placement in special education programs. In addition, some remedial teachers note that a disproportionate percentage of their students are African-American or Hispanic. Some believe this indicates a policy of discrimination against African-Americans within the public school system, reportedly influencing the members of the NAACP and others to act against support for these classes. Others believe that whites in the community tend to be more affluent and generally can afford more private care, which may preclude the placement of as many white students in special needs classes.

Please consider contacting members of Congress (, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University, the Citizens Commission on Civil Rights, the NAACP and the media to share your views. If you are uncertain as to whom your representatives in Congress may be, please telephone your local branch of the National Organization for Women ( to receive that information. To contact the civil rights organizations and the NAACP, please visit their websites as follows. The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,; the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University,; the Citizens Commission on Civil Rights,; and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),


International Dyslexia Association
(IDA, Formerly The Orton Dyslexia Society):
Chester Building
8600 La Salle Road
Suite 382
Baltimore, MD 21286-2044
Telephone: (410) 296-0232 or (800) ABCD-123 Fax: (410) 321-5069

International non-profit membership organization membership organization that offers training in language programs and provides publications related to dyslexia. Chapters are located in most states.

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD):
381 Park Avenue South
Site 1401
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 545-7510
Fax: (212) 545-9665 Toll-free Information & Referral: (888) 575-7373

National non-profit membership organization which offers a free Information & Referral Service, conducts educational programs, raises public awareness of LD, and advocates for improved legislation and services for those with LD.


Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA):
4165 Library Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
Telephone: (412) 341-1515
Fax (412) 344-0224

National non-profit membership organization with state and local chapters that conducts an annual conference and offers information and various publications.


HEATH Resource Center (Higher Education and Adult Training for People with Disabilities):
One Dupont Circle
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone; (202) 939-9320
Fax: (202) 833-4760

National Clearinghouse that provides information on post-secondary education and related issues for a nominal cost.