On Learning Differences

Vol. 2, No. 1 - Information on Learning Differences Online Winter 2003


Happy Holidays and New Information

Facing Learning Disabilities in The Adult Years

Teaching Mathematics to Students With Learning Disabilities

Use Of Color In Handwriting and Notetaking for a Student With a Learning Difference

From Failure to Success in College

In Memorium - Ada Belton

Conference Information

Book Reviews


About the Editor

Sharing Ideas

Permission to Copy from Visions on Learning Differences

Please see other issues





Survival Guide for College Students with ADD or LD (1994) Nadeau, Kathleen G., Ph.D., New York: Magination Press, demonstrates the experience and professionalism of the author. She is the parent of a former college student with both a learning difference and an attention deficit disorder. The style is clear and free of jargon, and the level of diction makes the content accessible for students with learning differences as well as their parents. The chapters entitled Choosing a College, Help in College, Help in the Community and Helping Yourself facilitate the challenge of those college experiences. For example, she suggests that the learning different student ask if the college requires the student to fail a math or language course before waiving a foreign language requirement, and to try to schedule no more than one final exam per day. She also suggests students find the schools with the best support systems and the most supportive teachers. The book is out of print, but is available from LDA, 4165 Library Road, PA 15234.

Written about children and adults, Neuroimaging: A Window to the Neurological Foundations of Learning and Behavior in Children (1996) Lyon, G. Reid, Ph.D., and Judith M. Rumsey, Ph.D., editors, Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. incorporates fascinating photographs and text. For instance, one example includes photographs of brain scans showing phonological processing taking place in the left brain of men, and in both sides of the brain in women. The chapters "Neuroimaging in Developmental Dyslexia" and "Imaging in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" assist in providing an understanding of the neurological basis for the academic performance and development of these students.

The Basics: A Rhetoric and Handbook, Third Edition (2000) Buscemi, Santi V., Albert H. Nicolai and Richard Strugala, Boston Massachusetts; The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. is a valuable reference for those who do research, write, or teach. In addition to sections on language usage and forms of documentation, it includes the latest information on using the Internet. The section "Research Online" provides the format for online citations as well as information on the use of electronic databases and some beneficial search engines. Convenient comb-binding allows the book to lie flat on a desk when the writer is engaged in research or writing.